WebWiseKids Blog : beseen iphonehttp://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/tags/beseen+iphone/default.aspxTags: beseen iphoneenCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)BeSeen App: Training Wheels for Social Networkshttp://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/06/26/beseen-app-training-wheels-for-social-networks.aspxTue, 26 Jun 2012 23:09:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:174Judi Westberg-Warren, President1http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=174http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/06/26/beseen-app-training-wheels-for-social-networks.aspx#commentsHave your children played our <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">BeSeen app</a> yet?
<br /><br />
<a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">BeSeen</a> is our free mobile app designed to simulate an online social network for kids. By playing BeSeen, youth can subliminally learn how to be responsible on social networks through navigating fictional situations that test their judgment on private and personal information, protecting their online reputation and defending their peers. The situations reflect real-life situations, making BeSeen a great way to introduce kids to social networks.
<br /><br />
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVQKqldUheg&feature=player_embedded">Watch and learn more</a> about how our <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">BeSeen app<a /> is a great "training wheels" program for your kids! <img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=174" width="1" height="1">educational ipod gamesbeseen appdigital safetyeducational apps for kidsbeseen iphoneeducational iphone gamesfacebook safety for youtheducational games for kidsweb wise kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetybeseen androiddigital citizenshipeducator resources for internet safetyeducating children internetbe seeneducation apps for kidsinternet safety appbe seen appeducation apps for childrenfacebook for teensfacebookdigital citzenshipeducational games for childrenBeSeen Featured in SecretlyNetwork.com!http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/05/30/beseen-featured-in-secretlynetwork-com.aspxWed, 30 May 2012 21:17:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:108Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=108http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/05/30/beseen-featured-in-secretlynetwork-com.aspx#commentsOur <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">BeSeen app</a> was featured in <a href="http://www.secretlynetwork.com/blog">SecretlyNetwork.com's blog about best mobile applications for kids!</a> Web Wise Kids is honored to be listed by Secretly Networking as a recommendation for Best Apps for Kids, and we are delighted to be included with so many other great apps.<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=108" width="1" height="1">educational ipod gamesbeseen appbeseen iphoneinternet safetyfacebook safety for youtheducational games for kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetysafety games androidbeseen androideducating youth about internet safetywwkdigital citizenshipeducator resources for internet safetysocial network safetyfacebook safetycyberbullyingcyberbullying preventiondigital safety childrenbe seeneducation apps for kidsinternet safety safetybe seen appWhat Can BeSeen Teach Your Kids?http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/05/23/what-can-beseen-teach-your-kids.aspxWed, 23 May 2012 20:07:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:112Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=112http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/05/23/what-can-beseen-teach-your-kids.aspx#commentsOur <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">BeSeen App</a> is an online safety mobile application that simulates a social networking website. The player creates a profile and starts earning “friend” characters and interacting with them. They learn about others through their posts and help them through challenges in order to win awards and make new friends.
<br /><br />
To get a full understanding of what our BeSeen app can teach your children, watch our official training video <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43kP37JByTU">here.</a>
<br /><br />
Our BeSeen app is available to download for free on both Apple and Android platforms. To download the app and supplemental classroom materials (for free!), please click <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">here.</a><img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=112" width="1" height="1">teaching youth internet safetybeseen appbeseen iphoneinternet safetyfacebook safety for youtheducational games for kidsweb wise kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetysafety games androidkid friendly gamesteachers resources for internet safetybeseen androidwwkdigital citizenshipsocial network safetyfacebook safetydigital safety childrenbe seeneducation apps for kidsinternet safety appinternet safety safetybe seen appWireless foundationBeSeen Has Global Appeal!http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/05/22/beseen-has-global-appeal.aspxWed, 23 May 2012 00:52:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:76Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=76http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/05/22/beseen-has-global-appeal.aspx#comments<br /><br />You Said It. <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">BeSeen</a> Has Global Appeal!
<br /><br />Word Is Spreading About The New BeSeen Lesson Materials!
<br />It's only been a few weeks since we created a <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">download page for the new BeSeen lesson materials on the Web Wise Kids website.</a> But in that short time, here's what we've seen:
<br /><br />* We had 110 downloads of the complete lesson materials which will now start filtering through families, teachers and youth directors around the world - over 11,000 impressions!
<br /><br />* In the U.S., the materials were downloaded in 30 states!
<br /><br />* Overall, we had recent downloads in 8 different countries including South Africa,Peru, Canada, Nigeria, Columbia, United Kingdom and New Zealand! If you are among this group, thank you for being one of the first to begin formally teaching online safety via the BeSeen game. And be sure to share your feedback with us at [email protected].
<br /><br />Here's What You Are Saying About <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">BeSeen</a>!
<br />"I work for law enforcement and go to all schools in the county and most of the city to discuss various topics, including on-line safety. I plan on using your information to update my presentations and to continue makng education fun." --- El Paso,TX
<br />"Can't wait to see this one - we use Missing and love it need it for newer computers or iPads. --- Ft. Clahoun, NE
<br />"Loved using the Missing Game and thrilled you came out with something new :)" ---Tolland, CT
<br />"I appreciate these resources made available to teachers...." --- Berkeley, CA
<br />"Anxious to try this app and offer it to students. Thank you!" --- Tustin, CA
<br />"Hey, I didn't know about this app!!!!" --- Penn Laird, VA
<br />"I want teach my students how to be safe on social media. I don't speak English, but I'm working with the teachers on ESL." --- Santiago, Chile
<br />"We would like to build in a link to these materials from our site. This and BeSeen would fit into our Digital Citizenship section really well" --- Clinton Twp, MI
<br /><br />Thank you for all this feedback and positive encouragement! We are so excited to see where you take BeSeen over the coming weeks.
Who can you share <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">BeSeen</a> with today?<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=76" width="1" height="1">IJIS Instituteeducational ipod gamesteaching youth internet safetybeseen appdigital safetybeseen iphoneeducational games for kidsweb wise kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetysafety games androidteachers resources for internet safetyyouth safety online2012 distinguished service awardbeseen androidwwkdigital citizenshipeducating children internetsocial network safetydigital safety childrenbe seeneducation apps for kidsinternet safety appbe seen appusa todayWireless foundationBeSeen FAQshttp://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/05/16/beseen-faqs.aspxWed, 16 May 2012 18:18:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:72Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=72http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/05/16/beseen-faqs.aspx#commentsBeSeen is our mobile phone app we created in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University. The game is designed to be played on a mobile phone and simulates a social network. It was designed to teach kids how to be responsible on social networks like Facebook, by securing their private and personal information, protecting their online reputation, and defending their peers.
<br /><br />BeSeen was made possible by support from Trend Micro, CTIA The Wireless Foundation, and The Verizon Foundation.
<br /><br /><b>Why Was BeSeen Created?</b>
<br /><br />As many as 7.5 million Facebook users in the U.S. are under age 13 - a violation of Facebook's user policies - according to a new study by Consumer Reports, as reported by Ad Age.
<br /><br />BeSeen was created to combat some alarming statistics about kids’ behavior on social networks:
<br /><br />55% of teens have given out personal info to someone they don’t know, including photos and physical descriptions.
<br /><br />29% of teens have posted mean info, embarrassing photos or spread rumors about someone.
<br /><br />29% have been stalked or contacted by someone they don’t know.
<br /><br />24% have had private or embarrassing info made public without their permission
<br /><br />22% have been cyberpranked
<br /><br />56% of teens say they have been the target of some type of online harassment
<br /><br />15% percent of the young people surveyed say they have sent nude photos or videos of themselves
<br /><br />21% say they've received nude photos or videos from others. About half of those involved say they felt pressured to do so
BeSeen teaches kids to behave responsibly on social networks, and to guard their personal information and images.
<br /><br /><br /><br />You can find more statistics about kids’ behavior on cell phones and online here.
<br /><br /><br /><br /><b>What is the Game About?</b>
<br /><br /><br /><br />This online safety mobile application is a single-player game that simulates a social networking website. The player creates a profile and starts earning "friend" characters and interacting with them. They learn about others through their posts and help them through challenges in order to win awards and make new friends.
<br /><br /><br /><br />In BeSeen, the ultimate quest is to make friends. At first, that is a matter of getting involved in school activities, but as more friends join a social circle, they bring their problems with them. To keep friends and make more, it’s important not only to be involved but also to be a good friend.
<br /><br /><br /><br /><b>Where Can I Find BeSeen?</b>
<br /><br />BeSeen is a free mobile app, available for download in both the Apple App Store and Google Play (formerly the Android Marketplace).
You can find more information about the game, including support documents and instructional materials <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">here</a>.
<br /><br /><br /><br /><b>How much Does the App Cost?</b>
<br /><br />BeSeen is available for free. It's easily downloaded in both the Apple App Store and Google Play (formerly the Android Marketplace). We also offer free handouts, instructional videos and companion materials to be used in classrooms or at home.
<br /><br /><br /><br /><b>What Platforms Can I Play BeSeen On?</b>
<br /><br />BeSeen is available for both the iPhone, and Android smartphones. It is not yet available for laptops or tablets.
<br /><br /><br /><br /><b>I'm a Teacher; Can I Use the App in my Classroom?</b>
<br /><br />Absolutely! BeSeen is a fun and engaging learning tool to teach your students about social networking. We have created an entire set of classroom resources around the BeSeen App, to help you use it effectively in your classroom. You can download the materials for free <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">here</a>.
<br /><br /><br /><br />Also, if you are interested in having a Web Wise Kids staff member facilitate the BeSeen Program in your classroom, we can make arrangements for the program to be led either in person, or over Skype. For information on facilitation, please email Rommel Anacan at [email protected]
<br /><br /><br /><br /><b>I'm a Parent; Can I Use the App at Home?</b>
<br /><br />Sometimes, parents are unsure about whether to allow their kids on social networks. BeSeen can be a great way to teach your kids how to navigate social networks safely, and to achieve peace of mind as a parent. Our free BeSeen classroom materials can easily be adapted for use at home, or, simply download the free app and let your kids play.
<br /><br /><br /><br /><b>Are There Any Instructional Videos That Might Help Me Understand the App?</b>
<br /><br />We have several videos available that will walk you through the BeSeen game. There are also printed materials that can help you understand what players are learning as they navigate the game. You can find all of these resources <a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/usa">here</a>.
<br /><br /><br /><br /><b>Where Can I Go For More Information?</b>
<br /><br />For more information on BeSeen, visit our website. You can also download our free Program Resources to learn more about the BeSeen App.
If you would like to learn more about the other educational video games that we offer, you can do that here.
<br /><br /><br /><br />Join our newsletter to stay up to date on all our news, and the latest educational programs we’re rolling out.
<br /><br />And, to contact us, please email [email protected].
<br /><br />What If I have a Question That Isn’t Addressed Here?
<br /><br />You can always reach us by email at [email protected].
<br /><br />Or, call us at (866) WEB-WISE or 714-435-2885.
We would love to hear from you!<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=72" width="1" height="1">IJIS Instituteeducational ipod gamesteaching youth internet safetybeseen appdigital safetyeducational apps for kidsbeseen iphoneeducational iphone gamesfacebook safety for youtheducational games for kidsweb wise kidsfacebook safety for kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetysafety games androidteachers resources for internet safetyjudi warrenbeseen androideducating youth about internet safetywwkdigital citizenshipeducator resources for internet safetyeducating children internetsocial network safetyprotecting children onlinefacebook safetypreventing cyberbullyingcyberbullyingcyberbullying preventionjudi westberg warrenbe seeneducation apps for kidsinternet safety speakerbe seen appeducation apps for childrenCTIAWireless foundationTeen Bullying Suicide Pushes Newspaper to Take a Standhttp://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/04/30/teen-bullying-suicide-pushes-newspaper-to-take-a-stand.aspxMon, 30 Apr 2012 23:32:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:47Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=47http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/04/30/teen-bullying-suicide-pushes-newspaper-to-take-a-stand.aspx#commentsA teen in Iowa, 14 year old Kenneth Weishuhn Jr., committed suicide because of bullying, and a newspaper is now taking a stand. <a href="http://news.yahoo.com/iowa-paper-devotes-front-page-fighting-bullying-175921792.html">Shaken by Weishuhn’s death, The Sioux City Journal dedicated its entire front page of its Sunday edition paper to an editorial rallying the city against bullying.</a> Full front page editorials are rare, but the Sioux City Journal felt that it was the only way to address the enormity of the situation in order to garner the attention of its readers.
<br /><br />I certainly commend the Sioux City Journal for devoting their front page to discourage bullying. It is hard to believe that yet another young person has taken their life due to bullying. When are we going to realize as a society that bullying another person physically or emotionally causes irreparable damage? We must continue to educate the public, parents and children that bullying is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Thank you Sioux City Journal for taking this public stand.
<br /><br />One of the ways WWK combats bullying is through our educational games, like our free mobile app, BeSeen. Learn more about BeSeen--and how it can teach our children to combat cyberbullying--<a href="http://www.webwisekids.org/programs-beseen.html">here<a>.
<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=47" width="1" height="1">beseen appeducational apps for kidsbeseen iphoneeducational iphone gameseducational games for kidsweb wise kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetyjudi warrenbeseen androideducating youth about internet safetywwkdigital citizenshipeducating children internetsocial network safetyprotecting children onlinepreventing cyberbullyingcyberbullying preventiondigital safety childrenBullyjudi westberg warrenbe seeneducation apps for kidsbe seen appeducation apps for childrenbullying documentarybully movie ratingBeSeen Classroom Materials a Hit!http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/04/26/beseen-classroom-materials-a-hit.aspxFri, 27 Apr 2012 01:44:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:43Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=43http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/04/26/beseen-classroom-materials-a-hit.aspx#commentsOur new BeSeen program that provides downloadable lesson plans – complete with handouts, worksheets, instructional videos, and 12 lesson plans-- allows educators, youth directors and parents to instantly begin sharing the benefits of BeSeen with their kids.
<br /><br />
So far, the materials have been downloaded 65 times in 20 states and five countries (hello to our friends across the US and in South Africa, the UK, Peru and Canada)!
<br /><br />
These classroom materials give teachers a step-by-step guide for leading students through the materials. We designed them to help facilitate discussions and dialogue with your students as they are playing the game. BeSeen is a valuable learning tool – but it is also fun for kids!
<br /><br />
We hope that those who have downloaded our materials have found them useful so far, and that other parents and educators will continue to download and use our <a href="http://webwisekids.org/usa/">BeSeen materials.</a>
<br /><br />
<a href="http://webwisekids.org/usa/">You can download our BeSeen Classroom Materials for FREE here!</a>
<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=43" width="1" height="1">teaching youth internet safetybeseen appbeseen iphoneinternet safetyfacebook safety for youtheducational games for kidsweb wise kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetysafety games androidkid friendly gamesteachers resources for internet safetybeseen androidwwkdigital citizenshipsocial network safetyfacebook safetydigital safety childrenbe seeneducation apps for kidsinternet safety appinternet safety safetybe seen appWireless foundationWeb Wise Kids is a 2012 Design, Art and Technology Awards Finalist! http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/04/24/web-wise-kids-is-a-2012-design-art-and-technology-awards-finalist.aspxTue, 24 Apr 2012 23:07:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:40Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=40http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/04/24/web-wise-kids-is-a-2012-design-art-and-technology-awards-finalist.aspx#comments<a href="http://www.pghtech.org/">The Pittsburg Technology Council</a> has nominated <a href="http://webwisekids.org/usa/">Web Wise Kids’ BeSeen app</a> in their upcoming awards ceremony of the year.
<br /><br />
The annual <a href="http://www.pghtech.org/events/default.aspx">DATA</a> (Design, Art, and Technology Awards) ceremony, which celebrates the best design, art and technology inventions in the nation, is split into seven categories: Innovation: The Changemakers, Maker: Design & Making, Joystick: Games & Applications, i-Con: Communications and Information Sharing, Media Arts: The Intersection of Art and Technology, Community: Art + Tech for our People and Places, and Next Generation: Kids & Creative Technology. <a href="http://webwisekids.org/usa/">Web Wise Kids’ BeSeen app</a> will be entered in the Next Generation: Kids & Creative Technology category.
<br /><br />We are so excited that <a href="http://webwisekids.org/usa/">BeSeen</a> is continuing to receive recognition in our communities and helping to spread awareness to help teach our youth to be safer online. We are honored to have been selected as a finalist in the DATA Awards, and we forward to meeting all of the other finalists and learning about their innovative and creative projects.
<br /><br />The Design, Art and Technology Awards (DATA), known as Pittsburg’s biggest creative tech party of the year, will be held on Thursday, June 7, 2012 at the Grand Hall (614 Pressley Street, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212).
<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=40" width="1" height="1">educational ipod gamesbeseen appeducational apps for kidsbeseen iphoneeducational iphone gameseducational games for kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetykid games androidjudi warrenbeseen androideducating youth about internet safetyeducating children internetsocial network safetyprotecting children onlinejudi westberg warrenbe seeneducation apps for kidsbe seen appeducation apps for childrenpittsburg technology councilDATA awardsBeSeen to Launch in USA Todayhttp://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/04/11/beseen-to-launch-in-usa-today.aspxThu, 12 Apr 2012 03:16:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:29Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=29http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/04/11/beseen-to-launch-in-usa-today.aspx#commentsWatch our president, Judi Westberg Warren, talk about our upcoming BeSeen app launch in USA Today.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2TUEkZdtNc">Click here to watch</a>
<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=29" width="1" height="1">educational ipod gamesbeseen appdigital safetykid games ipodbeseen iphoneinternet safetycarnegie mellonfacebook safety for youtheducational games for kidsweb wise kidsfacebook safety for kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetykid friendly gameskid games androidjudi warrenbeseen androidwwkeducator resources for internet safetyeducating children internetsocial network safetycnnonline safetyfacebook safetyjudi warren. internet safetypreventing cyberbullyingcyberbullying preventionkids safetyjudi westberg warrendigital safetyfetybullyingbe seeninternet safety appinternet safety safetybe seen appusa todayReinforcing our Missionhttp://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/03/09/reinforcing-our-mission.aspxFri, 09 Mar 2012 18:59:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:11Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=11http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/03/09/reinforcing-our-mission.aspx#commentsThis morning, I read this article about (http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/08/justice/texas-teen-flees/index.html) how a young teenage girl narrowly escaped from a Facebook predator.
I am so grateful to hear that this teen was prevented from being another statistic; She was very lucky to escape, but there are so many other children who are not as fortunate.
This situation is one of the reasons Web Wise Kids believes so strongly in education and prevention. There is an old saying that states “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It is a basic yet profoundly important message for teens online: do not give out personal information and do not plan to meet in real life someone you know only online. Predators are excellent at making their victims feel like they are safe and comfortable in the relationship. Sometimes they even feel that they are in love.
Parents need to be watching what online relationships their children are a part of because especially tweens and teens are susceptible to the lures and lies of online predators. We all need to help equip our children to have safe and rewarding experiences online.
Judi Westberg Warren
President of Web Wise Kids<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=11" width="1" height="1">educational ipod gamesteaching youth internet safetybeseen appdigital safetykid games ipodeducational apps for kidsbeseen iphoneeducational iphone gamesinternet safetycarnegie mellonfacebook safety for youtheducational games for kidsweb wise kidsfacebook safety for kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetyyouth safety onlinejudi warreneducating youth about internet safetywwkdigital citizenshipeducator resources for internet safetyeducating children internetsocial network safetycnnfacebook predatorsonline safetyprotecting children onlinefacebook safetyBeSeen Now Available on Android!http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/01/06/beseen-now-available-on-android.aspxFri, 06 Jan 2012 09:52:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:9Judi Westberg-Warren, President2http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=9http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2012/01/06/beseen-now-available-on-android.aspx#commentsWe are very excited to announce the launch of BeSeen on the Android platform! Beginning January 5, 2012, your kids can download the new app and having fun while learning about internet safety across social networks on their Android phone.
BeSeen, our free mobile app first released on the iPhone in 2011, is a fun, interactive and educational game that engages youth who are beginning to explore the world of social networks. BeSeen simulates a social networking site for a high school where players create profile and travel through a condensed school year, navigating through challenging social situations and puzzles along the way. The game is designed to help kids understand responsible online behavior such as securing their personal information, protecting their privacy and defending their peers against cyber bullying. BeSeen is the first app of its kind to be featured on the Android platform.
BeSeen can be downloaded for free in the Android Market here:
And for iPhone users, there is a new version of the app available on the iTunes store with updated content and puzzles for kids. To download the updated app from the Apple iTunes store, please visit:
<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=9" width="1" height="1">educational ipod gamesteaching youth internet safetybeseen appdigital safetykid games ipodeducational apps for kidsbeseen iphoneeducational iphone gamescarnegie mellonfacebook safety for youtheducational games for kidsfacebook safety for kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetysafety games androidkid friendly gameskid games androidHappy Holidays from BeSeen!http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2011/12/21/happy-holidays-from-beseen.aspxWed, 21 Dec 2011 08:38:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:8Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=8http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2011/12/21/happy-holidays-from-beseen.aspx#commentsHappy Holidays from BeSeen! Please download this wallpaper complimentary of us!<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=8" width="1" height="1">educational ipod gamesteaching youth internet safetybeseen appdigital safetykid games ipodeducational apps for kidsbeseen iphoneeducational iphone gamesinternet safetycarnegie mellonfacebook safety for youtheducational games for kidsweb wise kidsfacebook safety for kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safetyBeSeen: iPhone App Teaching Digital Safety to Childrenhttp://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2011/12/08/beseen-iphone-app-teaching-digital-safety-to-children.aspxFri, 09 Dec 2011 05:46:00 GMT09cf86c2-7053-47e4-82a4-a1ce52311037:7Judi Westberg-Warren, President0http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=7http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/blogs/webwisekids/archive/2011/12/08/beseen-iphone-app-teaching-digital-safety-to-children.aspx#commentsParents: are you worried about what kinds of games your children are playing on their iPhones and iPods? Now you don’t have to. At Web Wise Kids we specialize in creating computer games that help teach youth about digital safety, and now we are proud to expand to different platforms and introduce our very first app game for the iPhone. BeSeen is not only an entertaining and fun game for youth but also a subliminal educational tool that teaches kids how to be safe across social networking sites online.
BeSeen takes place in a pretend school setting that has its own online social network that is modeled after the popular social networking site, Facebook. Once downloaded, your kids can sign on and immediately create a profile. BeSeen then takes your child through an interactive news timeline of his friends and schoolmates, where he can read other kids’ status updates and choose how to respond to them. Every decision your child makes on BeSeen affects his status on the network.
The goal of BeSeen is to teach kids how to be safe on social networks. By interacting with their BeSeen friends, your kids encounter different scenarios, prompting decision making which will in turn produce either good results or consequences. Kids can show their BeSeen "classmates" ways to use technology in order to be a good friend and to get ahead, and will gain friends and win awards if they do well. Conversely, forgetting their manners, failing to look out for others or making poor choices will bring kids trouble.
BeSeen is free, fun, interactive and best of all, educational. This is a great precursor for young children who are not yet old enough to use Facebook (the legal age to sign up for a Facebook account is 13) and who do not yet understand the impact and possible repercussions of each decision made in the digital world.
What are you waiting for? Download BeSeen for your kids today (it's free!)<img src="http://wired.webwisekids.org/community/aggbug.aspx?PostID=7" width="1" height="1">educational ipod gamesteaching youth internet safetybeseen appdigital safetykid games ipodeducational apps for kidsbeseen iphoneeducational iphone gamesinternet safetycarnegie mellonfacebook safety for youtheducational games for kidsweb wise kidsfacebook safety for kidsbeseenteaching kids internet safety