
Announcing a NEW BeSeen Resource for the Classroom!

When we designed our new mobile App that teaches kids about safe social networking, we knew it would be great for teachers to use in their classrooms. Now, we have launched a new BeSeen program, that provides lesson plans for educators using the BeSeen game – complete with handouts, worksheets, and instructional videos, 12 lesson plans, and even a letter to send home to parents!

We created the BeSeen mobile App in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University. Technology is expanding and evolving rapidly, and more children are exploring the internet and social media every day. BeSeen was created to prepare our kids for the world of social networking, to equip them with the wisdom to make good choices when interacting on real social media platforms.

The BeSeen lesson plan includes modules on knowing what information to keep private on a social media profile, how to create a profile that reflects you in a positive light, putting your best qualities on display, and learning how to defend yourself and your peers from bullies online.

Our classroom materials will give teachers a step-by-step guide for leading students through the materials. We designed them to help facilitate discussions and dialogue with your students as they are playing the game. BeSeen is a valuable learning tool – but it is also fun for kids! We hope you and your students will enjoy using BeSeen in the classroom, while teaching valuable skills for safe social networking in an increasingly digital world.

New BeSeen Curriculum! Download Now!

Published 3/22/2012 by Judi Westberg-Warren, President


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